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Denna produktbeskrivning har översatts från engelska - Se den ursprungliga versionen här
Classic Tele feel. With what might be its most unique sound yet. The Fender FSR USA Cabronita Telecaster presents one of the most iconic guitars of all time, in truly distinctive style. Offering scorching humbucker tone, effortless playability, and a stylish aesthetic - the Cabronita is an instrument crafted for the most daring musicians. Can you handle it?
It'll ignite your performance. Because it's loaded with a pair of searing TV Jones Filter'Tron pickups, producing a hot, punchy tone with plenty of articulation. And what's more - they maintain sublime clarity, free of hum, with every note you play. Whilst the pickups are somewhat unorthodox for a Tele, you can count on that coveted Fender feel to enhance your overall playing experience. A deep "C" shaped maple neck fits snug in the palm of your hand, whilst the sleek fingerboard lets your fingers glide up and down its surface. It's one-of-a-kind. And it's waiting for your creativity...
Artikelnummer: 148650